Analytics dashboard
Gain valuable insights and improve customer satisfaction. Exhaustive feedback information to make informed decisions and improve business performance.
Happiness score
Check the overall mood of your customers over an hour, day, week or desired periods without getting into the details of graphs.
Timeline and trends
Track changes over time with minimalistic charts. Observe patterns, spot fluctuations, and identify recurring issues for their operational actions.
Categorise data
The inerface is designed to categorise information into the most comfortable environment possible. Sort and filter reviews without annoyance.
Detailed reviews
Delve deeper into individual opinions to better understand your consumers' point of view. Extract from voluminous or only useful insights for continuous improvement.

Customisable widget
Customise your personal page to suit your brand's specific unique requirements and maximise its potential.
Brand widget
Adapt according to your brand's aesthetics and campaign. Create a seamless and engaging feedback experience.
Customisable categories
Tailor tags to match your business needs. Allow users to mark aspects of personal experience that are only present with you for prompt action.
Promote positivity
Use praise to boost your brand image on social media. The system will automatically prompt the user to share their comment if it's good for your reputation
Promo content
Once you've thanked a user for appreciating the service, don't miss the opportunity to show them an advert. A legitimate solution to increase conversions.

Organisational structure
We recognise that different divisions or departments have their own feedback requirements. Build teams based on your organisational structure.
Multiple teams
Create separate groups of employees with their own QR codes. For example day shift and evening shift or split by spectrum of responsibilities.
Separate settings
Customise the configuration and representation for individual teams to collect reviews according to their roles and responsibilities.

Printable QR code
Comfortable collection of information from customers. Don't get distracted from your duties, simply place a link to MagicTap in the most frequented areas of your establishment.
Design templates
Choose from ready-made promotional materials or personalise them according to your preferences. Make your QR codes fit seamlessly into your establishment's identity.
Unique address
Get a personalised link to your team feedback widget or simply download a QR code for quick deployment.

Coming soon
Expect updates that will further improve your quality of case management. We study competitors and service pains to offer the most useful functionality.
Public data
Study trends between what's happening locally and how it's being discussed externally.
Loyalty programme
Reward your loyal customers and build brand loyalty with bonuses or exclusive offers.
Implement a modern way for voluntary donations, distribute them and monitor statistics.
Increase support liveliness and engagement with direct dialogue to resolve queries.

Why not try it now?
with MagicTap
tap to magic